Shipping is FREE.
Transit Time Domestically (UK): In general, domestic shipments are in transit for 2 - 7 days
Transit time Internationally: Generally, orders shipped internationally are in transit for 4 - 22 days. This varies greatly depending on the courier you have selected. We are able to offer a more specific estimate when you are choosing your courier at the checkout.
SHARKSZORS Ltd will happily accept returns due to change of mind as long as a request to return is received by us within 30 days of receipt of item and are returned to us in the original packaging, unused and in resell-able condition.
Return shipping will be paid at the customer's expense and will be required to arrange their own shipping.
Once returns are received and accepted, refunds will be processed to store credit for a future purchase. We will notify you once this has been completed through email.
(SHARKSZORS Ltd) will refund the value of the goods returned but will NOT refund the value of any shipping paid.